
"To create and nurture a sustainable residential community that promotes student success, supports Furman's academic mission through contributions to borderless learning, and fosters intentional engagement among students, faculty and staff."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Healthy Behaviors Month!

Healthy Behaviors!

This October is Healthy Behaviors month! It’s important as college students to take care of ourselves and ensure that we understand how our actions can affect our health. Also, being in Greenbelt, sustainability is not just about the environment; it is about us too – our minds, body and spirit! So, here are some helpful tips to keep your mind healthy. Try to pick a few tips and implement them each day!  

1.    Laugh every day, several times a day
2.    Make a list of up to 100 personal pleasures and pursue one every week
3.    In order to gain balance in life make a list of things “My life would be complete if …” and see what areas of your life you need to focus on
4.    Make a list of the happiest moments of your life and think about one of these moments every day. This will be decrease your stress levels and make you a happier person
5.    Keep an uncluttered to-do list. Avoid to-do lists that are longer than 9-10 tasks and update them as you go
6.    Add mini relaxation sessions (1.5 – 2 minutes) throughout the day: close your eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply, imagine a peaceful and serene place
7.    Read books every day
8.    Play brain games as often as possible such as Sudoku or the Crossword puzzle
9.    Feel younger no matter what your age is – do things that are not “appropriate” for your age, hang out with younger people, be optimistic and less serious about life
10. Learn a new skill every week
11. Spend money on memorable vacations and trips rather than shopping
12. Try balance exercises with your eyes closed – this will improve your brain’s plasticity. Stand on one leg with your eyes closed or try Yoga poses with closed eyes
13. Ditch TV and study but take time to RELAX and do something you enjoy such as running, walking or sitting out on the porch swing
14. Get at least 2 hours 30 minutes of moderate activity weekly (brisk walking, dancing, gardening, swimming) or at least 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity weekly (jogging, cardio aerobics)
15. Practice being spiritual (consider prayer, religion, meditation, positive beliefs). Spirituality is linked to longevity, better health and lower stress levels as well as a general sense of well-being.
16. Take multivitamins and mineral supplements
17. Go to sleep earlier and sleep longer (get your 8 hours of zzz-s daily)
18. Stack your fridge with healthy, organic products weekly to avoid last-minute carry outs, unhealthy frozen dinners and eating out
19. EAT DARK CHOCOLATE to cope with cravings and to protect blood vessels as well as to prevent cardiovascular disease (do not go overboard though, one or two squares daily is all you need)
20. Eat lots of brightly colored vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, carrots, beets etc.) because they are rich in anti-oxidants, flavonoids and vitamins and try to buy ORGANIC when possible
21. Have small treats every week. Choose a treat that you like the most and have it every week to keep your healthy eating enjoyable (eating a pizza or a chocolate Sundae is not a treat, it is pigging out)
22. Do not eat heavy meals before you go to bed. If you are hungry go for some fruit, a small bowl of whole grain cereal or yogurt
23. Eat only whole grain cereal. Look for at least 3 g of fiber and not more than 10g of sugar in one serving
24. Add walnuts to your breakfast or salad to increase your omega-3 consumption
25. Add sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts to your meals to increase your vitamin E consumption

Good Luck with MIDTERMS!! And keep on, keeping on! 


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